Problems can be solved, but the lack of Black senior leaders in corporate America is beyond a problem. While the gender composition of Black CEOs has changed, the net number of Fortune 500 CEO has remained relatively unchanged. This is a persistent systemic barrier for Black professionals. This lack of equity is a crisis that remains unresolved, resulting in a high number of Black professionals to opt-out. This crisis is also aiding in the widening racial wealth gap and prosperity for Blacks in America.
How do we get more Black executives on corporate boards? Second, how do we create a sustainable, equitable model of success? Third, how do we increase and make fair guidelines in the supplier diversity supply chain that enable Black businesses to compete? Finally, how do we retain the next generation of Black leaders? These problems have plagued corporate America for decades. They remain a challenge in creating equitable and inclusive opportunities for Black professionals. In the words of Albert Einstein, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them."
This is why LEAD360 is taking a different approach by inviting a diverse group of executive leaders to Georgetown University to engage in a two-day Think Tank. Organizational participants representing brands such as Liberty Mutual, Proctor and Gamble, Genentech, and more will be tasked to produce new, realistic, and innovative strategies to increase the success of Black business leaders.
This "Hackathon" approach brings leaders together in a collaborative environment where several teams compete to create solutions for the most significant issues that derail upward mobility and success among Black leaders. This intense problem-solving environment will facilitate the creation of realistic a d innovative ideas and concepts to advance Black leadership. In addition, participants have an exciting opportunity to work and learn from individuals from various fields with multiple interests and skills, all collaborating to solve the same problem.
At the end of the hackathon, participants will share these strategies with their respective companies to support their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals. In addition, LEAD360 will also share these strategies in a follow-up Whitepaper.
By Dorinda Walker